firstname = "Anton" lastname = "Sheykin" email = "" affiliation = "Saint-Petersburg State University" city = "Saint-Petersburg" country = "Russia" passportname = "" birthday = "" citizenship = "" passportnumber = "" passportissued = "" passportexpire = "" workplace = "" workaddress = "" visadates = "" talktitle = "The approach to gravity as a theory of embedded surface" section = "C - Gravitation and cosmology" talkabstract = "We consider the approach to the theory of gravity as a theory of 4-dimensional surface in a flat ambient space. We study the problem of extra solutions which appearing in such a theory in comparison to Einstein gravity. We present some new explicit embeddings for physically interesting metrics. We also discuss the relation between black hole thermodynamics and embeddings of black holes." comments = "The co-author of this talk is Sergey Paston." submit = 0