firstname = "Tarasov" lastname = "Vyacheslav" email = "" affiliation = "NSC, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology" city = "Kharkov" country = "Ukraine" passportname = "" birthday = "" citizenship = "" passportnumber = "" passportissued = "" passportexpire = "" workplace = "" workaddress = "" visadates = "" talktitle = "INVESTIGATION OF THE PROPERTIES OF NUCLEI WITH EXTREMAL NEUTRON EXCESS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF MAGIC NUMBERS" section = "B - Nuclear physics" talkabstract = "The calculations of the ground state properties of even-even nuclei with extreme neutron excess have been made in the neighborhood of neutron magic numbers before and beyond the theoretically known neutron drip line. These calculations are continuation of our investigations of nuclei with extreme neutron excess [1, 2]. Our calculations are based on the Hartree–Fock (HF) method with Skyrme forces (SkM*, SkI2, SLy4, Ska, SkP) taking into account axial deformation and the BCS pairing approximation. It is shown that the isotone chains with the neutron numbers N = 32, 58, 82, 126, 258 form the peninsulas of nuclei beyond the neutron drip line which are stable against one and sometimes two neutrons emission. The stability of the considered isotones is connected with full filling of neutron sub-shells with large angular momentum and with intrusion of corresponding neutron levels into the region of discrete bound states. The localization of the peninsulas of stability in the (N, Z) space takes place at the same values of N = 32, 58, 82, 126, 258 irrelatively the type of Skyrme forces. It is found that the size of the peninsulas is sensitive to the choice of Skyrme forces and the most extended peninsulas appear with the SkI2 set. Our results for long isotope chains of Zr and Gd up to the neutron drip line are compared with the Hartree-Fock- Bogoliubov calculations [3]. For some neutron rich nuclei with magic neutron numbers we have analyzed the potential energy curve as the function of the mass quadrupole moment E(Qm) through the constrained HF. It is shown that for N = 258 and Z ≥ 124 the superdeformed shapes of neutron and proton density distributions can correspond to ground state. " comments = "" submit = 0