Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Университет Научно-Исследовательский Институт Физики Физический Факультет СПбГУ High Energy and Elementary Particles Physics
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Семинар 12 декабря 2017. Yasser Reda Elmahalawy. Ricci Time in Lemaitre-Tolman Model and Block Universe

12 декабря 2017, в 12:45
Кафедра физики высоких энергий и элементарных частиц

Yasser Reda Elmahalawy

Ricci Time in Lemaitre-Tolman Model and Block Universe

The main idea of this work is to investigate the shape of the
\tau=constant surfaces relative to the null surfaces, and determine what
makes these surfaces timelike or spacelike.
We use the Lemaitre-Tolman metric as our inhomogeneous spacetime model,
and we nd the necessary and su cient conditions for these \tau= constant
surfaces to be spacelike or timelike. We also indicate whether or not
timelike surfaces appear inside black holes and other strong gravity
domains, by determining the location of the timelike regions relative to
the apparent horizon.

Отправлено Thu, 07 Dec 2017 16:02:24 +0400
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