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Travel information

The hotel possibilities in Petergof
The Hotel "Samson" in the center of Petergof. It takes 20min. by bus to get to the Institute. You can see the details on the site of the Hotel:
The prices, breakfast included, are (our season is the "low season"):
57 euro for a single room,
76 euro for a double,
93 euro for a "suit".
The conditions there are standard. You can reserve the room via Internet. Please take into account that the rooms there have different orientations. The ones oriented to the south looks at the Olgin Lake and this is a good variant. The ones oriented to the north looks at the St-Petersburg prospect -- the main highway connecting Petergof region with Sankt-Petersburg, these rooms could be rather noisy, the traffic is hard.

The Hotel located in the "Freilinsky House", a house built by Alexander Benua for the tzarist court women. It is located in 6min. from the St-Petersburg prospect where one can take a bus and within 20min. to arrive at the Institute. The place is very nice and calm, this is the edge of the Lower and Upper Parks of Peterhof close to the Grand Palace. If we'll manage to arrange the special bus it will take our guests from this place to the Institute.
The prices, breakfast not included (the breakfasts can be served for an additional 4 euros.) are:
50 euro for a single room,
45 euro for a person in a double room,
90 euro for a double room,
58 euro for person in a "suit", and correspondingly
116 euro for the whole "suit".
You can reserve a room using their Fax number +7 812 450 5403
or to communicate with them by e-mail: If you have any difficulties in arranging the reservation, please, let us know and we shall try to help you.
December 2010