Очно: аудитория 427 (НИИФ корп. И3)
21 сентября 2021, в 13:25
Кафедра физики высоких энергий и элементарных частиц
Роберт Камински (Институт ядерной физики Польской Академии Наук,
"Searching for resonance in the Augean stables"
Do we know what is resonance and how to look for it? It is not easy
because, as in the Augean stables, we have many peculiarities of
amplitudes of interactions from which you need to wisely choose the one
(or two). What determines the choice, is it unambiguous and how to
facilitate this choice? Are the amplitudes of the interactions always
correct or do they require a few constraints to be believed? All these
questions have already been answered and I will try to present them and
discuss them.
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