St-Petersburg State University Research Institute of Physics Faculty of Physics High Energy and Elementary Particles Physics
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семинар кафедры ФВЭиЭЧ 07.04.2015

Дорогие коллеги,

в следующий вторник, 7 апреля, в 12:40 состоится семинар кафедры физики
высоких энергий и элементарных частиц.

С. Афонин расскажет о своей новой работе

S.S. Afonin, A.A. Andrianov, D. Espriu

The masses of vector mesons in holographic QCD at finite chiral
chemical potential

Central heavy-ion collisions may induce sizeable fluctuations of the
topological charge. This effect is expected to distort the dispersion
relation for the hadron masses. We construct a general setup for a
compact description of this phenomenon in the framework of bottom-up
holographic approach to QCD. A couple of soft wall holographic models
are proposed for the vector mesons. The states having different circular
polarizations are shown to have different effective mass. The
requirement of stability imposes strong constraints on the possible
choice of models.

Всего хорошего,
Алексей Головнев.

sent at Thu, 02 Apr 2015 00:12:43 +0400
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