St-Petersburg State University Research Institute of Physics Faculty of Physics High Energy and Elementary Particles Physics
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journal club 28.04.2015, high energy physics department

Dear Colleagues,

on Tuesday, April the 28th, we will have a journal club at 12:40.

I will continue with discussion of some observational aspects of
cosmology. On the previous occasion, an interest was expressed towards
the way the actual measurements on the Bullet Cluster have been
performed. First, I will briefly comment on that based on the following

M. Markevitch. Chandra observation of the most interesting cluster in
the Universe.

M. Bradac, D. Clowe, A.H. Gonzalez, Ph. Marshall, W. Forman, Ch. Jones,
M. Markevitch, S. Randall, T. Schrabback, D. Zaritsky. Strong and weak
lensing united III: Measuring the mass distribution of the merging
galaxy cluster 1E0657-56.

G.R. Farrar, R.A. Rosen. A New Force in the Dark Sector?

Then I propose to discuss very recent (and relevant) observations of
another cluster:

R. Massey, L. Williams, R. Smit, M. Swinbank, Th. Kitching, D. Harvey,
M. Jauzac, H. Israel, D. Clowe, A. Edge, M. Hilton, E. Jullo, A.
Leonard, J. Liesenborgs, J. Merten, I. Mohammed, D. Nagai, J. Richard,
A. Robertson, P. Saha, R. Santana, J. Stott, E. Tittley. The behaviour
of dark matter associated with 4 bright cluster galaxies in the 10kpc
core of Abell 3827.

Finally, I will review (some of) the remaining papers from the previous

L. Amendola, E. Menegoni, C. Di Porto, M. Corsi, E. Branchini.
Constraints on a scale-dependent bias from galaxy clustering.

H. Lemmel, Ph. Brax, A. N. Ivanov, T. Jenke, G. Pignol, M. Pitschmann,
T. Potocar, M. Wellenzohn, M. Zawisky, H. Abele. Neutron Interferometry
constrains dark energy chameleon fields.

Bin Hu, Marco Raveri. Can modified gravity models reconcile the tension
between CMB anisotropy and lensing maps in Planck-like observations?

Bridget Falck, Kazuya Koyama, Gong-bo Zhao. Cosmic Web and
Environmental Dependence of Screening: Vainshtein vs. Chameleon.

Brent Follin, Lloyd Knox, Marius Millea, Zhen Pan. A First Detection of
the Acoustic Oscillation Phase Shift Expected from the Cosmic Neutrino

Best regards,
sent at Fri, 24 Apr 2015 17:00:46 +0400
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