Particle and Nuclear Physics at all scales,
Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology
Tuesday 1. October
(Scientific Center of RAS)
9:00 Registration
Morning session (Chairman Domenec Espriu)
10:00 Opening (SPb city administration, Consul General d’España, D.Espriu, A.Andrianov)
10:20 Alexei Starobinsky
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS, Moscow
Inflation after Planck results
11:00 Luis Alvarez Gaume
CERN, Geneva
Some comments on supersymmetry and cosmology
Coffee break
11.50 Valery Rubakov
Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS, Moscow
Can one create a universe in the laboratory?
12:30 Raul Jimenez
ICREA & Institute de Ciencies del Cosmos; Barcelona,
Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS, Moscow
Fundamental Physics from Cosmology
13:10 Dmitry Gorbunov
Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS; Moscow,
Gravity waves from the inflaton clumps
Afternoon session (Chairman Alexandr Andrianov) (Cosmology+ Gravity)
15:00 Iosif B.Khriplovich, A.S.Rudenko
Novosibirsk State University
Gravitational four-fermion interaction and dynamics of the early Universe
15:30 Oriol Pujolas
IFAE and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Emergent Lorentz Invariance
16:00 Sergey Sibiryakov
Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS; Moscow,
Cosmological constraints on Lorentz violation in dark matter
Coffee break
16:50 Domenec Espriu
Universitat de Barcelona
Local measurement of
using pulsar timing arrays
17:20 Alexander Kamenshchik
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS, Moscow and Universita di Bologna
Soft singularity crossing and transformation of matter properties
18:10 Artyom Astashenok
Baltic Federal University; Kaliningrad,
Confronting dark energy models mimicking LambdaCDM epoch with observational constraints
18:50 End of the Session
Welcome party (University restaurant)
Wednesday 2.October
Morning session (Chairman Jose Bernabeu) (Peter the Great's Hall SPbSU)
10:00 Maria J. García Borge
CSIC, Madrid; CERN, Geneva
ISOLDE Facility at CERN: highlights and future plans
10:30 Carlos Pajares
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela,
Geometrical scaling in pp,pA,AA and saturation of gluons
11:00 Mikhail Braun
Saint-Petersburg State University
Inclusive gluon production in the effective QCD action approach
Coffee break
Chairman Mikhail Braun
11:50 Assumpta Parreño
Universitat de Barcelona
Lattice QCD calculations for Nuclear Physics
12:30 Nikolay Krasnikov
Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS, Moscow
Some aspects of statistics at LHC
13:00 Xavier Viñes
Universitat de Barcelona,
Simple effective interaction: Infinite matter and finite nuclei
Afternoon session A (Chairman Carlos Pajares) (Peter the Great's Hall SPbSU) (LHC, QCD et al)
15:00 Francisco Fernandez
Universidad de Salamanca
Molecular Charmonium. A new spectroscopy?
15:30 Grigory Feofilov
St.Petersburg State University
Correlation between mean transfer momentum and multiplicity of charged particles in pp and ppbar collisions: from ISR to LHC
16:00 Alexander Pankov
Gomel University, Bielorussia
Spin determination of new heavy resonances at the LHC
Coffee break
16:40 Boris Ermolaev
Ioffe Institute for Physics and Technology; St. Petersburg,
Relations between collinear and k_T -factorizations
17:00 Anatoly Kotikov
BLTP, Joint Institute for Nucler Research; Dubna,
Q2-evolution of parton densities at small x values. Combined H1 and ZEUS F2 data
17:20 Vladimir Vechernin
Saint-Petersburg State University;
Correlation between multiplicities in windows separated in azimuth and rapidity
18:10 End of the Session A
Afternoon session B (Chairman Xavier Viñes) (Mendeleev Center SPbSU) (Nuclear Physics)
15:00 Konstantin Gridnev
Saint-Petersburg State University
The new neutron rich nuclei
15:30 Volodymyr Magas
Universitat de Barcelona;
The Kbar N --> K Cascade reaction in coupled channel chiral models up to next-to-leading order
16:00 Mitko Gaidarov
Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy BAS, Bulgaria
Symmetry Energy and Surface Properties of Neutron-Rich Exotic Nuclei
[M. K. Gaidarov, A. N. Antonov (Bulgaria), P. Sarriguren, E. Moya de Guerra (Spain)]
Coffee break
16:50 Dmitry Gridnev
Saint-Petersburg State University and FIAS, Frankfurt
Argonne potential and multi neutron systems
17:20 Victor Tselyaev
Saint-Petersburg State University
Spurious states and stability condition in the extended RPA theories
17:50 End of the Session B
Thursday 3. October
(Peterhof Campus)
Morning session (Chairman Andrei Slavnov) (Physics Faculty)
10:00 Jose Bernabeu
Universitat de Valencia
Time Reversal Violation For Entangled Neutral Mesons
10:30 Dmitry Kazakov
BLTP, Joint Institute for Nucler Research; Dubna
Search for SUSY: MSSM versus NMSSM and model dependence of the analysis
11:00 Antonio Dobado Gonzalez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Strongly Interacting Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Sector with a Higgs-like light scalar
Coffee break; Poster session
12:20 Joan Sola
Universitat de Barcelona
Vacuum energy and cosmological evolution
12:50 Alexander Andrianov
Saint-Petersburg State University
Universal Landau pole
13:10 Vladimir Semenov
Saint Petersburg State University
Buoyancy of relativistic magnetic flux tubes and Penrose process produce jets from Kerr Black Holes
13:30 Lunch and
Excursion to the Peterhof
List of Poster presentations (Thursday 3.October, Physics Faculty SPbSU, 11:40-12:30)
Sergei Kolevatov
Saint-Petersburg State University
Boundary filters for vector particles passing parity breaking domains
Anna Yaparova
Immanuel Kant Baltic federal university; Kaliningrad,
Superpotential and U(\phi) Method for Brane and Friedman Cosmology
Igor Altsybeev
Saint-Petersburg State University
Study of forward-backward multiplicity correlations in pp collisions using the MC Toy model
Stepan Sidorov
Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics; JINR Dubna,
New type of N=4 SUSY quantum mechanics
Vladimir Kovalenko
Saint Petersburg State University
Long-range correlations in proton-nucleus collisions in MC model with string fusion
Tatiana Drozhzhova
Saint Petersburg State University
Evaluation of centrality classes based on Glauber Monte-Carlo model in heavy-ion collisions at high energy
Alla Semenova
Petersburg Institute for Nuclear Physics; Saint-Petersburg,
Description of baryons in the framework of composite superconformal string model
Olga Postnova
Saint-Petersburg State University; Saint-Petersburg
Friday 4.October
Morning session (Chairwoman Maria J. Garcia Borge) (Peter the Great's Hall )
10:00 Andrei Slavnov
Steklov Mathematical Institute RAS
Gauge invariant infrared regularization of Yang-Mills theory, valid beyond perturbation theory
10:30 Manuel Asorey
Universidad de Zaragoza
Instabilities of Coulomb phases and quark confinement in QCD
11:00 Jorge Russo
ICREA, Universitat de Barcelona
Large N limit of supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories from localization
Coffee break
Chairman Antonio Dobado
11:50 Jose Ramon Pelaez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Review of Light scalar mesons: from confusion to precision
12:20 Irina Aref'eva
Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
Holographic description of QGP formation
13:00 Emilio Elizalde
ICE-CSIC and IEEC, Barcelona
On a family of non-local gravity models
13:30 Lunch and
walk to the Scientist's Club
Afternoon sessions (Scientist's Club)
Session A (Chairman Alexandr Kamenshchik) (Neutrino et al)
15:00 Manuel Masip
Universidad de Granada
Sterile neutrinos at MiniBooNE and IceCube
15:30 Alberto Gascon
Universidad de Granada;
Recent results from the Pierre Auger Observatory
Session B (Gravity and Branes)
16:00 Andrei A.Grib, Yu.V.Pavlov
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Rotating black holes as supercolliders of elementary particles
16:20 Oleg Novikov, Vladimir Andrianov
Saint-Petersburg State University
Thick branes from self-gravitating scalar fields
Coffee break
Chairwoman Irina Aref’eva
17:00 Pedro Labraña
Universitat de Barcelona & ICC;
Tunneling and The Emergent Universe Scheme
17:20 Alexey Golovnev
Saint-Petersburg State University
Hamiltonian ADM analysis of bimetric and multimetric gravity theories
17:40 Ekaterina Pozdeeva
Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University;
Multiplicity and membranes collision in modified AdS
18:00 Sergey Vernov
SINP, Lomonosov Moscow State University;
Exact cosmological solutions in induced gravity models
18:20 Sergey Afonin
Saint-Petersburg State University
Recent advances in the bottom-up holographic approach
18:40 Anton Sheykin, Sergei Paston
Saint-Petersburg State University
The approach to gravity as a theory of embedded surface
19:00 End of Sessions A and B
Session C (Chairman Manuel Asorey) (QFT, SUSY et al)
15:00 Alexander Gorsky
Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics; Moscow
Baryon as dyonic instanton
15:30 Evgeny Ivanov
Bogolyubov Laboratory for Theoretical Physics, JINR; Dubna,
New approach to duality-invariant nonlinear electrodynamics
16:00 Jose-Joaquin Sanchez-Guillen
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
BPS solitons from vol-preserving-diff symmetries and their applications in nuclear, hadronic and astrophysics
Coffee break
16:50 Alexei Yung
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina
Seiberg's duality and N=2 SQCD
17:10 Juan Mateos Guilarte
Universidad de Salamanca
False vacua, tunnel determinants, zeta functions
17:30 Valery Marachevsky
Saint-Petersburg State University
Local probing of Casimir-Polder interaction
17:50 Jose M. Muñoz Castañeda
Universitaet Leipzig; Leipzig, Germany
Quantum field theory over bounded domains
18:10 Yury Pis'mak
Saint-Petersburg State University
Chern-Simons potential in models of Casimir effect
18:30 End of the Session C
Round table (Summary and perspectives)
(Discussion leaders: V.Rubakov, L.Alvarez Gaume, A. Andrianov, D.Espriu, I.Aref’eva, J.Bernabeu, ...)
Conference dinner
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